Aside from the so-called War on Drugs being a great success for the government on multiple levels and a boon to thugs who get off on beating their non-violent employers fellow citizens - it also creates an environment ripe for other forms of abuse.
Meet Civil Asset Forfeiture where cops take everything from a suspect and simply keep it even after the trumped up charges are dropped. They even get to attend seminars that sound like multi-level marketing spiels in order to get them to drool at the thought of taking from others. Want all your hard-earned stuff back? Then your stuff will have its own persona and you will go up against it in court. In other words, its a cruel joke on you that you would have to argue in court on such terms in order to not get your possessions back.
That's what happened to Ginnifer Hency who recently had to testify about Michigan's problem with civil asset forfeiture and not following their own laws.
Crooks and Liars reports that after the original raid nightmare on her home last July with her four children present, she has not gotten one possession back in all that time.
"They have had my stuff for 10 months, my ladder, my iPad, my children's iPads, my children's phones, my medicine for my patients," Hency noted. "Why a ladder? Why my vibrator, I don't know either. Why TVs?"
“The prosecutor came out to me and said, ‘Well, I can still beat you in civil court. I can still take your stuff.’” Hency recalled, adding, “I was at a loss. I literally just sat there dumbfounded.”
It is completely unacceptable that in 2015, with some states making medical marijuana legal, that any form of government would then get away with such abuse towards someone who hasn't even broken the law.