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Drugs Help Explain Modern World

Hitler was off his head on "Pervitan" - Meth.

So many behaviors 
you find strange become obvious 
when you understand drugs.

by our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent 

Hollywood sets are "sexually charged" because they are all off their heads on Meth and cocaine.


In the old days - Julie Garland, Wizard Of Oz - they were all off their heads on benzedrine.

You could do a documentary on drug use by politicians, actors, armed forces etc...

Soooooooooooo many behaviors you find strange become obvious when you understand drugs.

When I went to night clubs, I could never understand people up all night and standing in the UTTER freezing cold in a tiny top and mini skirt seemingly unaffected by the weather. It was close time in 30 minutes but they kept lining up. Then I tried Meth for the first time in 1997 and then I understood.

Then Hitler raving on the podium and sweating like a pig onstage became clear. He was off his head on "Pervitan" - Meth. First synthesized by the Germans in 1932 and injected IV into Hitlers veins by Dr Morrel - a syphilis doctor and most likely jewish. For a man who hated Jews so much Hitler sure spent a lot of time surrounded by them, including his Jewish vegetarian cook. It will take another 50 years to unravel WW2.


Then watch Mussolini on the balconies raving - Meth! Completely off his chops and SOOOOOO obvious but I never saw a doco on it all till 2003.

Then all the crazy stuff Americans and Israeli's are doing. Thats METH! The Waffen SS lived on it. The British, Americans and Russians used Benzidrene.

Its worth several documentaries. This is why the German Army committed so many war crimes - they were off their heads on drugs most of the time. Three days of no sleep - revved up on Meth. This is where killing women and children becomes easy. Just ask the IDF who have one of the most massive drug problems of all the armed forces. They absolutely live on it.


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