Hi. Im newly floxed, a month in, and I am so angry. Anyway, I havent had severe debilitating reactions yet, but i have pain in my joints and achilles and lower calf pain that comes and goes. My right elbow hurts, and I had wicked anxiety a couple weeks after that lasted for a week. I would like to know how people are doing now after being floxed for a certain amount of time? I believe my diet post floxing is making some of my symptoms appear/intensify. Is anyone back to normal? Does the dmage internally eventually heal with proper diet and gradual exercise? I just would like to know to help ease the low lying fear that I will never be myself again and possibly a cripple. Please do not solicit me with quick cure claims. If that were true, this site wouldnt exist. I just would like a glimmer of hope, just like hundreds of floxed people who come on this site daily desperately seeking answers. My dosage was 6 500mg pills for three days. Thanks for any help