Re: Toxic Tooth—How a Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick
Ok thank you very much for the detailed reply,
My question was more related to future prevention so i am better informed about the best ways for preventing further damage.
I just had a upper molar extracted a week ago, it was a tooth that was a little sensitive for a long time with certain foods, but nothing mayor. Though the dentist never could find any cavities on this tooth.
In december it went worse got drilled she put another filling in.
Then few weeks ago my dentist put air against the tooth stil sensitive again drilled bigger filling in.
But a week later sudden pain in face and jaw, accute sinusitis went back the next day, had it extraxted.
But the abces already made it to my sinus, pain is gone swelling also, but still a very funky smell coming from my sinus, i am 7 days after extraction, and am thinking of
Antibiotics though most accute sinusitis should go away on their own?, with the culprit being gone.
I red some stories about how an abces can infect the jawbone and one should have it scraped, well did not know that and actually wonder how long this abces could have been there. makes me worry.
I still have 1
root canal left, but need to fix my current situation first.
Thxs good info.