Re: Hair Loss is killing me.. Please help..
Anybody regrowth?
Hair loss is due to nutrient loss - b vitamins play a critical role in hair growth as does other nutrients. Any form of stress (psychological, biological, financial etc) will create nutrient loss. Without fixing this, it becomes very difficult for the body to heal.
The gastro tract is one of the first places to look for infection and there can be a number of pathogens that can create these problems such as yeast but also parasites, rogue bacteria and viral infections. Test with a trusted lab in which I think ParaWellness Labs is the best. This comes after many tests and reading the reports from others.
Liver congestion is always a problem with any chronic infection and nutrient depletion. Find a diagram of the LIV3 point (acupuncture) and see if this is sore. This is the source point for the liver meridian and is a good indicator of liver toxicity. Methylation and herbal support will help in this.
Environmental toxins are always a concern and reduce efficiency in the cells. Likewise for heavy metals. Every person I know with chronic infection has problems with detoxification.
Trauma can have some profound effects on the mind/body are your getting some help in this area?