I am new to this forum, but have been using H2O2 off and on for a coupla years. Along with taking 10 drops in water internally most days we use a solution of 2 oz of food grade (35%) H2O2 in about a gallon of water in a vaporizer for lung and sinus therapy.
I need a very informed therapist to tell me whether I can use the three percent H2O2 that you buy at the store for about a buck a pint for the vaporizer or do I have to use food grade? It would be a hell of a lot cheaper as we use about 2 to 4 oz's every day in the vaporizer. It would seem that the additives and stabilizers in the cheap stuff would not evaporate and enter the air but I'm not sure.
After reading a good many entries on the forum I realize that many people don't have any understanding of the chemistry involved here. I will say that H2O2 therapy is ALL about the oxygen that it puts into the body. The only real danger is not diluting it enough and "burning" your body tissues or ingesting it with food in the stomach and causing it to fizz..releasing a large volume of O2 causing vomiting.
If anyone knows the chemistry of vaporizing the cheaper peroxide please let me know. Thank you so much.