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I am overwhelmed.

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onelovehealing Views: 475
Published: 10 y

I am overwhelmed.

MY mouth is absolutely terrible and I am so scared that I am losing my HEALTH, not just my teeth,   I feel worse physically every day.

I am really unhealthy, and I don't eat good at all

Most days I only eat 2x a day, a lot of times, just one.
Mostly because I am terrified to eat anything. I don't want something to happen to my teeth while I am eating! The worry is making my teeth hurt right as I type this. But I am even more worried knowing that I am not getting nutrition

I feeel like my body is eating away the good nutrition in my teeth and gums because of how fast they are receeding.

I have two pockets on my lower wisdom teeth gums (the teeth never came in) and I have 1 big one on the front on my #24 and #25 (central lower)

I have no money for a dentist and also, I refuse to go. Not because I don't enjoy it, I have never been one to cry when going in as I do the doctors office. But I know they are using horrible things to fix teeth.
I have metal fillings from when I was younger. I can't remember how many exactly, but a good little bit.

I smoked cigarettes for 4 years, done for 2 now.

I am in my early mid 20's and I bounce between 140-160 lbs. I am about 5'5"

I eat fast foods but I really enjoy good foods when I can afford to (lol) But i am definitely completely changing my diet up to bone broths, high fats, low starch, no grains or rice, low sugar, coconut water, veggies, no more juices (even fresh juiced). 

I am worried about the toothpastes I use, I want something that just cleans my teeth with no added ANYTHING. just simple something that takes away the gunk.
I started rinsing my mouth with sea salt water today.
I am looking for Cod liver oil/ butter oil.
As well as essential oils that I can swish around with the coconut oil pulling.
BUt I know that this is more than just my teeth having some disease and needing to be cleansed of it. Though I would like to know if there are herbs or teas I can make that will directly come into contact and help! 

I looked at this sight awesome last night and I was tripping out.
It was the one that shows you the organs connected with your teeth and I was in awe.

I had just got finished telling my husband that I feel  that am able to feel and tell  the body organs and things that hurt. 
I named off liver, lungs, thymus,kidneys,  thyroid, inner ear(due to an inner ear infection when I was younger that turned really bad and now bothers me daily with vertigo, pain, dizziness, inability to stand straight or look straight, nausea in the mornings, earache swelling during every sickness, sometimes ringing, excess fluid in my left ear.) as well as my small intestine and my ovaries. I also mentioned that there was something wrong with my head that I couldn't figure out and I would think of it, or it would hit me soon.

When I clicked on the bothersome teeth, all of the organs that I had mentioned were mentioned. As well as symptoms that I had, such as: muscular pain in specific spots like my hips, knees and elbows. Spots in my kneck that hurt, and in my head, my sinus were affected. Along with more things, but that stood out. I was shocked to also see that my adrenal glands were what was hurting in my back (I thought it was my kidneys) and have now been looking at adrenal fatigue symptoms, which I show 95% of symptoms for, as well as sleep deprivation. 

I can not sleep well. I am using electronics a lot, which I know can be problamatic. But i know it is something more than that. I don't sleep on a normal schedule at all, infact I constantly fight my internal clock. I have a horribe habit of sleeping anywhere from 4 am - 10 am and waking up between 3-7 pm. But I feel like I get no restful sleep, and they are usually filled with dreams that I wake up remembering most of.  My excuse is the emotional living situation that we live in at the moment. In which I want to hide myself in my room and not be awake when others are. As well as the fact that my husband is also unhealthy as I am and suffers from insomnia his whole life.

We moved in with family of mine to take care of someone. They died .  Another person I cared about died in the same house, in fact, in the room I am living in now, when I was a child and It was also traumatic for me.

I feel like I know everything is connected right now. My emotional state, my mental state, my physical state. And I know that my teeth are trying to tell me something.

I really don't know what to do except to start with my physical health and work from there.
Doing yoga, getting through greif and dealing my past as well as dealing with  trauma. Moving out. Making peace with death. etc etc. All of these things will help me. 

But I am worried I am missing something.

does anyone see what I am missing?

Does anyone think that maybe my mouth is trying to tell me I am allergic to something I eat alot of? or something like that, ,that I am just not seeing? 

I am overwhelmed with all the stuff I need to take into consideration.

thanks for reading and your help




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