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The best place in the universe for "genuine" unaltered, nonmanipulate, unbiased or omitted information on vaccines.
kwanyin Views: 903
Published: 10 y

The best place in the universe for "genuine" unaltered, nonmanipulate, unbiased or omitted information on vaccines.

Zoho-a disappointing troll.
The commenters on this particular subject matter are well educated, well read of all the data that the CDC, HHS, Government & Vaccine Industry has made available to the public. The commenters here use critical thinking and common sense. Something pro-vaxx apologist, zealots & paid for trolls abandoned a long time ago. Oh, because we actually research both sides of the vaccine issue, we show the comparisons between the two. Ex: zoho's attempt to exonerate Vaccines for the deaths of the children in Mexico. He posted two newspaper articles (keep in mind this is Mexico)that stated it wasn't the vaccines that killed the children, the vaccine vials or products were contaminated with bacteria. I'd be willing to bet the Mexican authorities via big pharma, paid off a lot of people for these news blips. You know if they paid hundreds of thousands to government officials so Walmart could build a store 1 mile away from the Pyramid of the Sun which is against the law in Mexico you know paying off a few people to look the other way and allow a minion for the industry to ghost write a media piece-piece of cake. Zoho didn't bother to take into consideration the status quo:
-Governments, especially corrupt ones like Mexico will never point the finger at a vaccine. Not if they want to continue to benefit from the largeness of the pharmaceutical industry and all the other industries attached to it.
-The media will never point the fingers at vaccines because 70% or more of their revenues come from the pharmaceutical industries. Sit and count how many TV ads, radio ads and print ads you see in the course of a day.
-Medical examiners will never put on an autopsy report that vaccines were the cause of death. Not if they want to keep their jobs.

Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA): Conflicts of interest and vaccine development—preserving the integrity of the process

-zoho hasn't researched vaccines enough to know that they are an intrinsically contaminated product. Read the documents from the FDA vaccine meeting where the all stars of vaccine making meet regular in the US & UK. Their primary concern is how impure the product is.
The dangerous impurities of vaccines
Janine Roberts:

Roberts has two outstanding books on the vaccine industry from the inside. She attended vaccine conferences & meetings in the US and in Europe for over a decade and in her books name sources and provides copies of document.
Fear of the Invisible and The Vaccine Papers-Janine Roberts.

History has demonstrated studies that the CDC & HHS promised to give to the public never materialized and was a lie. The only way studies that show that Vaccines are one of the primary causes of 1 child in 6 in the US being chronically ill and correlating that study with the increase in the childhood vaccination schedule the logical conclusion is Vaccines are a primary culprit, is by using the FOIA. Even than people in the US congress were needed to obtain data from the Simpsonwood study. It is so damaging to the creditability of the CDC & vaccine makers that the CDC-who paid for the study, a conflict in itself, gave the study and the data to the Institute of Medicine, a private agency not obligated to abide to FOIA request.

Here are things ignored:
Natural News EXCLUSIVE: Bombshell email from CDC whistleblower reveals criminality of vaccine cover-up as far back as 2002-;

Further evidence of research fraud

CDC Whistleblower Revealed Senior government scientist breaks 13 years of silence on CDC’s vaccine-autism fraud.;

CDC Whistleblower Dr. Thompson on Thimerosal and Pregnant Women

African American boys willfully exposed to high risk of autism from mmr vaccine...
with letters written to Dr. Gerberding, and his colleagues-
Melinda Wharton, Coleen Boyle, Bob Chen and others on the fraud:

Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit:

False Claims Act
Class Says Merck Lied About Mumps Vaccine

2010 False Claims Act, Chatom Primary Care,
-It alleges, among other shocking things:

[Merck engaged in] ...a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine.

Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.

In reality, Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal -- by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data -- that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.

Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus. After the results failed to yield Merck's desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study's findings.

...incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results...

...destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator...

...threatened a virologist in Merck's vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA...

Judges ruling:

How to determine if a vaccine study is juiced up? Research the researchers-especially the lead one. For the most part, a vaccine study will not get media exposures unless it's in favor of the vaccine machinery. This is why sites like this exist.

People who question the ritual of vaccination are anti-vaxx. There are many perspectives but the purpose of the term is so the paid online trolls, such as zoho, can mock, belittle and label opposer with names like ignorant, anti-science or the all time favorite, Conspiracy theorist. The name was created to minimize the legitimate concerns of all people who have questions, not just parents. Louise Kuo Habakus states it beautifully:
There is no “anti-vaccination” movement. Calling parents “anti-vaccine” is a distorted construct created for the express purpose of labeling and dismissing legitimate concerns. To represent parents as ideologically opposed to an entire category of medical procedures is absurd and irresponsible. All diseases are not the same and neither are all vaccines. Just because a certain Antibiotic can cause severe injury to some does not make them anti-antibiotic, any more than deciding not to drive a particular model with defective acceleration makes us anti-car.

The construct was also to creates a adversarial dynamic between people. Similar to the george bush ramp up to the Iraq was where he told people in the US "you are either for us or against us". I wouldn't be surprised if the CDC, HHS and big pharma are not using the same PR group. Not the once your grocer uses or even google. Firms like these: Burson-Marsteller Edelman Hill & Knowlton Kamer-Singer Ketchum Mongovin, Biscoe, and Duchin BSMG Buder-Finn. Never heard of them? That's because you're not suppose to have.



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