Re: Generality
Rather than specifics, it is to generalities concerning this portion of the conundrum that might prove more..... fruitful.
I have attempted to steer you in this direction in times past.
Can easily be dismissed as.... part of dust.
To complicate matters, mycelial pieces long a percentage of household dust.
This, however, is something.... New. Novel.
ONCE understood, on that level.... something, novel... "new," and seemingly ubiquitous.... examining and finally getting a degree of a bead on it... how it often presents itself in the wild... it appears quite a.... thing. Or... at the very least... a portion thereof.
It appears that no specific or general creature vector, outside of this agent, this manifestation itself, is necessary for this agent, this manifestation, to become a problem for humans.
In fact, macroscopic animal forms (and this includes, among other types, insect and arachnid, amphibian and reptile) I have examined under magnification exhibit infection.... Not as insidious vectors... but as... fellow Victims.
It Is That Deep.... in my own explorations... examinations.
It is no mistake that CLEW and Threader, and myself.... have paid particular attention to this.... component.
You have not, to date, exhibited familiarity, intimate knowledge of this Part of the.... Thing.
This is not to diss your efforts.
Do what you think you have to do.
I am not a judge.
I don't know it all.
It may be that your efforts on your current trajectories will provide, ultimately, pieces to the puzzle that we all need.
I don't know at this point.
How could I?
Some have gone so far as to proclaim that this manifestation IS the Thing. As, The Thing, Proper.
At this stage in investigations, which are meager as per constraints detailed in another thread/post, I prefer to refer to it as the seeming fungal/protozoal portion.
I am departing this forum. I think it will be temporary. Doubt I'll be posting much more for a bit of time. Maybe one more in the forum proper in this current cycle. Maybe not.
Now, you do what you think you need to do.
Take care, Maybelle.