HIV Cured, Real case
HIV Cured, Real case
""No HIV RNA or DNA, Negative Western Blot, After 7-Year ART Suspension
20th International AIDS Conference, July 20-25, 2014, Melbourne
Mark Mascolini
An Argentine woman who started antiretroviral therapy (ART) with advanced chronic infection, reached an undetectable viral load, then suspended treatment for 7 years has no detectable HIV RNA or proviral HIV DNA and tests negative for HIV antibodies [1]. The woman does not have HLA gene patterns or the CCR5 delta32 deletion linked to protection from HIV.
Functional cure--lack of HIV replication without ART--has been described after ART suspension, notably in the French VISCONTI study [2]. But the case from Argentina appears to be the first report of functional cure and negative antibody tests (seroreversion) after interruption of ART begun in advanced chronic infection. The case is all the more intriguing because the woman involved appears to carry no genetic traits known to confer protection against HIV infection or progression. Indeed, the literature is rife with reports of virologic rebound after treatment interruption, even after people test negative for proviral DNA and HIV antibody off treatment.""
Btw, I know of a medical doctor in NYC that used most of
Hulda Clark 's methods, which INCLUDES the zapper, PLUS MEGA vitamin C in addition and he got results of 20 out of 20 patients to HIV undetectable and PCR negative. I'm Not saying who it is. Add a possible further 99% reduction in HIV, by using MEGA vitamin C, past the undetectable HIV results
Hulda Clark got by using her methods, which includes ZAPPING 8 (eight) hours a day and you can see where this Might be possible :)