my instructions for vervaine (offic.)
i assume same instructions would work for blue vervain...
– 1L Wide Mouth Mason jar,
– 75g of Real Vervaine
– in a mixing bowl (glass) mix 75g vervain with 250 Ml 20% vinegar, stir and mash for several minutes and all thoroughly moist ( i used a large wooden spoon)
– use a rubber spatula (these have a name, but can’t think of it) to scoop the wet vervain into the mason jar. If jar lid is metal, first cover the jar opening with wax paper, then close the lid.
after (_____) days, then add
– 300g of Vodka (80 proof/40%), room temp, or 125Ml (or grams, same thing) of 190 proof 95% everclear;
–– Top with ice cold Soda Water
– keep at low temp <20C for (____) days….