white shark great point and i agree on most things. especially the part about how we all have the same symptoms ec eczema astma allergies yet our triggers may all be different and also our cures may al be different. in saying that there is a few dots that connect all together in the cure claims. personally i 100% whole heartly think ec is just eczema on the lips. triggered by either a allergic reaction by environement or chemical or either a root gut issue(leaky gut,candida,digestive issues etc etc... im baffled that people still strongly oppose the idea that ec isnt part of this eczema group but i understand the bizzare symptom and location puts them off track.
in saying all this cannot wait for dupilumab and the new class drugs to hit the market for these conditions becasue its well over due and patients and suffers deserve help and relief from these VERY common conditions and yes 20% of kids will have eczema is quite frightening for society.
Thank you for your posts please keep an eye out for my comprehensive stool and mineral results chhers.