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IBS or Crohn's?
TomIsaac Views: 1,806
Published: 10 y

IBS or Crohn's?

Hi! I’m new to this forum and I hope I could get some answers here. So yesterday while I was shopping I started feeling sick and bloated. When I got home my stomach started hurting and I was burping a lot and I was feeling nauseous. The pain lasted for about half an hour then it went away. I had to go to the washroom and I had diarrhea. After that I didn't feel as nauseous. My stomach hurts soooo bad right now! I tried to take a number 2 but can't and I'm nauseous again.

I've been like this for about a year and a half. These symptoms come and go! Seems like when I eat certain foods it really acts up. I've also noticed blood in my stool twice and only once out of those two times my stomach hurt really bad. The pain is like a cramping sharp pain throughout my whole tummy area. Sometimes it starts on the sides and goes to the middle. I've had many tests done and doctors say I'm fine.. But I'm not!

I put my symptoms in a symptom checker and ibs and Crohn's disease were at the top of the list...! Could I have one of these?


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