A Cat's Purr is a custom tailored Healing Frequency. It is very well known among veterinarians that cats will heal bones much faster than dogs. The mechanism by which they do so is their own internal "Rife" machine. This research is backed by three scientific researchers in the "Rife" cat community, by the name of Rocky the Cat, Putin the Cat and Goldie the Cat. All 3 cat scientists are in complete agreement and with verification from other felines in the cat community, that the internal purring mechanism in all cats is their very own built-in "Rife" machine and these devices have been in operation for 1,000's of years prior to even the birth of Royal Rife himself. Fortunately, cats are not under the scrutiny of the FDA and also cat healing methods far predate the FDA by 1,000's of years. So for the doubters, part of the proof is in nature with maybe the highest of all species,,, the CATS.