Re: syyenergy7 and AIDS
Beck has a ZERO workable solution for HIV. ZERO. It does nothing to HIV and more likely from my own results the BECK zapper increases HIV. It is a lie, period. Beck REPEATEDLY STATED HIV UNDETECTABLE. IT DOES NOTHING. HIV Actually INCREASES. Btw, what happened to pushing Duesburg and his claims that HIV is "harmless"? Get some infected blood and a needle, go prove your theories on yourself, like Maggiore did.
Btw, Russ of SOTA Instruments claimed he repeated Bob Becks' test on 8 PCR positive patients and Russ of SOTA Instruments claimed all 8 became PCR negative due to the Beck zapper and Beck protocol. Russ says he could not publish the results. We ALL know Beck NEVER got those results, in the first place, and that is why the medical doctors REJECTED the Beck zapper and protocol as a valid treatment. What happened was that most or all SYMPTOMS of HIV disappeared. The Beck zapper increases blood flow. You will feel better for a while, but you aren't doing anything at all to the HIV virus and likely it is helping to INCREASE it.
Keep pissing me off, LIAR.