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My seb derm is not visible currently.
WhyLipsWhy Views: 5,501
Published: 10 y

My seb derm is not visible currently.

I've had visible seb derm for a while now, it varies in severity, sometimes just a few crusts above my lip, sometimes all over the moustache area / sides of the nose. This particular breakout I had was the worst I've ever had, itchy and burning. I decided at this point that I needed to find a cure, or a way to control / diminish this condition.

I found this forum, and read for hours, a couple things caught my eye. Beta Glucan, and Sea Salt .

After 3 days of having the worst seb derm breakout I've ever had, I went and bought that supplement linked above, and unrefined deep Sea Salt . I've read people suggest dead Sea Salt , however the store I was at didn't have any, so I just got something called Hawaiian unrefined deep sea salt, I really don't think it matters much.

***Method (I'm not saying this is the correct way to do it, but this is what I did, and have had results from)

The first 2 days I took 5 beta glucan pills in the morning, drank them with water on an empty stomach, and didn't eat or drink anything for 30minutes after. I now take 4 pills per day, and will be lowering it to 3, then 2, then 1, then none over the course of a few weeks.

I washed my face with the salt twice a day, morning and night. As someone elses suggested I put hot water from my bathroom faucet in a bowl, then I put about a teaspoon of the salt in it, mixed it around a bit, and let it settle while I splashed hot water on my face from the faucet. After a couple minutes I dipped my face in the bowl. The bowl I used wasn't very large so I had to alternate... left side in, middle, right side.. I just repeated this for about 3-5min, you'll probably be able to tell when you've soaked your face enough. Unlike some other people, I did not rinse my face off afterwards, I figured leaving some of the salt water on my face might be a good thing.

I noticed a difference the next morning after doing this method, don't be annoyed if you don't see results right away, I had to wait until the next morning. I've read beta glucan takes ~72hrs to accumulate in your system before you see results, so my initial healing could be entirely due to the salt, I'm not sure.

Because I did 2 things (Beta Glucan, and Salt) I'm not really sure what the healing factor was, or maybe it was a combination of both. There's potentially another huge factor, stress. I don't think it was a coincidence that I was very stressed during the worst breakout I've ever had. That stress was ironically further compounded by the fact that I was having a terrible breakout.

So as of right now, 4 days after my biggest seb derm breakout I have NO sign of seb derm, at all.

For those of you who haven't tried this, I suggest trying it, it's cheap, and easy to try.

I'll be checking back regularly and will answer any questions.


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