I would prefer to stop electromagnetic pollution before we get back to medieval armor. They certainly protects against radiation, but not practical at all.
There shall be not only speculations. There are certainties. For four years a neighbor kept a wireless router in my head about 30cm. I found it by chance two months ago. This WiFi networks when seeking to engage a tablet. The greatest signal was in the place where I held my head when asleep. In that place spend at least 8 hours of 24 (average). Very long under the action of an unknown transmitter. My WiFi networks was stopped for a year. Even then I felt an improvement in skin health. In the last two months the skin heal at an accelerated pace.
My flesh is cleaned by bacteria in the deep. It's a good feeling to be sure that you set on the right way. Stop looking desperately recovery methods. You find method to defend yourself from the risk of cancer.It is really an uplifting feeling.