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News about this case... It's not the vaccine!
zoho Views: 1,117
Published: 10 y
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News about this case... It's not the vaccine!

There's a very recent report out of Mexico of the real cause of this incident:

The cause of the two deaths and illness in other children was not any type of "Adverse Reaction" to any vaccine. Bacterial contamination was discovered in the multi-dose vials of vaccine. The children suffered from sepsis (bacterial infection in the blood) which points to either contamination while using a vaccine vial more than once or a break in sterile technique during the manufacturing process. I'm sure the Mexican equivalent of the FDA will be all over this and the company could lose their license to produce the vaccine! In the USA there would be an extensive root cause analysis and mandated correction plan and continued close monitoring of sterility in the production processes. Complying to FDA manufacturing standards is a real bitch!


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