Some problems I have with AICR
I have followed AICR for many years. As a matter of fact, a great many of the recipes on my website originated at AICR. And no doubt they have some very good info - and I agree that the beat the heck out of the ACS. HOWEVER, I have a big problem with AICR and it makes me question just how "independent" they really are - and that is the recipes themselves. I have to modify almost every single one because they continue to include unhealthy ingredients, including ingredients which can cause or contribute to cancer. For example: refined table sugar and bleached flour (empty calories which converts to sugar in the body), when practically everyone knows that sugar feeds cancer. Other questionable ingredients include olive oil (instead of extra virgin olive oil), canola, soy, refined table salt, shrimp and salmon without specifying which ones are safe (think Gulf oil spill and Fukushima) and more. And here is the thing: I have written repeatedly to their president pointing out the problems in those ingredients without ever getting an answer (though I note that they have begun specifying extra virgin olive oil more as well as including less bleached flour).
AICR also estimates that the right diet could result in a decrease in cancer by about 1/3. That is a good decrease; however, we at The Best Years in Life believe that cancer is 90% or more preventable as well as 90% or more curable - with the right diet and optimal nutrition, lifestyle, at least some regular exercise, stress management, regular direct and indirect sunshine and key supplements (for example, it is almost unheard of for anyone who lives and eats relatively healthy and also takes a daily preventive dose of oleander extract to get cancer - whether they have never had cancer or had it apparently beat it.)