I rad a whole bunch of different books about candida and the various diets for it. I have hearing loss and didn't know what to do, it just kept getting worse and I had no idea it could be related to yeast.
So I started experimenting big-time with nutrition, and found that there are foods that seem to directly lead to deadness. And guess what! They're the same foods a lot of the time that increase Candida overgrowth, which is said to underpin cancer, Crohn's, diabetes, M.S., and a load of other stuff. The book that laid it all out is called Taming the Beast Within. (It's here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MQH7AH6)
Some days are better than others. But if I do get deafer, then it's because I ate wheat, dairy, excessive salt, and so on.