Re: Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction
First of all, sorry to hear that you have this condition. Diabetes Type II is curable condition. ED is caused by this condition. Age has nothing to do with diabetes. This condition is caused by a dietary abnormality.
You do not mention your height, weight and your diet. So I am assuming that you have access weight in your mid section, you are over weight and eat processed foods with consumption high proteins.
IMO, you have a taken a path which will only harm you more, which is taking homeopathic and allopathic meds at the same time. All allopathic drugs have side effects and are only designed to help the symptoms and not the cause. Cause could be very simple, eating too much and too frequently, processed foods, consumption of alcohol, sodas, etc. Also lack of exercise does not help.
My suggestion is fasting with water only for 30 days. If you have not fasted evr then consider intermittent fasting and be on a plant based diet. Eliminate all junk foods from your diet. Homeopathic meds will help you in long run, but fix the cause.
There are many videos and articles that will help you, see links below to start with a healing journey.
Good luck and keep posting about your progress to learn and teach us all from your experiences.