Try iodine painting on the scars
Buy some
Iodine (water solution is nicest, like 5% lugol's), or providine
Iodine (drug store, healthstore, sold for wound disinfection). Paint it on the scars (for example with fingertips) 2-4 times a day, it'll tell the immune system to start a healing process there. Search Molluscum Contagiosum and iodine, another family reports success with providine iodine. :-)
It can take a few weeks to see results, but iodine's really a quite surprising/powerful element.
I wiped out on my moped on a left-hand swing earlier this spring. It had been dry, and I slipped on sand with my tired. The seat of the bike fell heavy on my left inner thigh, and I walked rather with a limp for a few days! The bruise developed into a regular ol' eye of sauron there on my leg (right up next to the panty-line :< )
I had been using a homemade 10%
Lugol's solution on the tips of my big toes (trying out a suggestion from another forum), so I just continued with that, and my bruise was gone within 2 weeks! :D
I think using digestive enzymes and supplemental choline really helped there too. (Enzymes help break down dead tissue, and choline is an essential ingredient in all new cell walls)