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Humaworm extreme reaction
  Views: 2,805
Published: 10 y

Humaworm extreme reaction

I started taking humaworm last Tuesday. Before I even took my second dose I started getting a feeling of pressure in my head and the sensation like I was going to faint or pass out. I figured it was detox. As the week went on it got worse and worse. A few times it got so severe that I felt like I was going to have a seizure or a stroke. I was ready to call 911. Two days I couldn't even leave my home.

I am not new to detoxing and detox reactions. Never have I felt the need to call 911 from one. The odd thing is that if I focused on something or treated it like a panic attack it calmed down. Maybe it was a panic attack but there was a definite physical pressure in my head.

Now over a week later I stopped the humaworm Wednesday night because I had a job interview Today Friday morning. I felt better Thursday but the sensation was still there. Now today I felt much much better but I sill feel some pressure in my head not so panicky just pressure coming and going.

I am afraid to take anymore. Has anyone heard of this happening? Could it be a reaction to one of the herbs? I eat super clean drink well over 2qts of water a day and didn't feel sick prior to the HW I just wanted to do some maintenance cleansing.

Thanks for any help or replies


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