After being sick with this "disease from hell" for over 3 years, I've rediscovered an antifungal that you may have already heard about.
Oregano oil has given me dramatic results in just a few days, but I literally felt it working within hours. The key to my success was finding an oil that was as AS STRONG AS POSSIBLE. One drop on your tongue should make your eyes water.
I am no longer toting anything as a "cure all," because it has always been a jinx on every treatment I've tried in the past. So much I've posted on this site has been a disappointment. I can only hope this treatment continues the kill the fungi pathogens. All I can say is that it's the most inexpensive thing I've tried that seems to be working, so I am not losing much at all to continue.
I truly hope this helps someone (if not many) out there.