Re: everybody i need your thoughts!
Hi JSL123 I admire you for taking the nature cure root, and I also understand that this is a long hard slog, it is easier to follow the conventional doctors root because conventional doctors by pass internal hygiene issues and get straight to the point of a cure, this being the magic bullet which will put an end to the ailment. I sympathise with you, who doesn't want to get this thing over with fast because it stops us from being comfortable in our own skin (no pun intended)! However my understanding of this condition as gleaned from the internet via medical papers etc.. is that conventional docs don't know or recognise the cause of autoimmune diseases they look at the effects of the condition
in your case he has identified inflammation and wants to try prednisone. Who knows whats really wrong with your autoimmune system? Not the doc, he is going to help you as best as his knowledge of your condition will allow him, in dealing with your case, trouble is medical schools don't talk about Yeast, candida overgrowth etc..In fact some medical schools do not believe candida exists. I don't know if you read my post about the molasses/bicarbonate of soda study which has been found to cure fungal conditions, yeast etc. I believe e.c is fungal so is eczema,at the bottom line being that our immune system is attacking the good cells because our body is already not in a healthy condition, which is what naturopathy tries to restore. I am currently doing the molasses/bicarbonate of soda diet and it is coming along but its too soon to tell yet. I do know medicinally NO DISEASE CAN EXIST IN AN ALKALINE BLOODSTREAM this is medical fact, I believe the natural cure way will eventually cure you, why not take 2 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda to cleanse and alkalanize your bloodstream one teaspoon in the morning and one at night. If you do decide to take the prednisone good luck but the problem with your autoimmune system will not be really addressed, you might find that prednisone helps you with this ailment but maybe later down the line your body could develop something else. I believe most of us with autoimmune issues are in a pre-cancerous state we or not that sick thank god but we are not exactly buzzing with health. Basically naturopathy slowly and surely will heal you, how long it takes will depend on how long it takes to restore you autoimmune system to health. Docs remedy is unknown waters still, it could help you or help
it could make you worse in the longrun, my money is on the naturopath, if you can be patient with the process. I would only consider seeing a doctor who has a track record of healing this condition the rest are in the dark. Perhaps bnichols3000 can let us know of the doctor with the cure! Can you tell us a little more about your current diet? My brother has recently been diagnosed with psoriasis, a fast food and cola addict it didn't take me long to see the causes of his disease, he doesn't think cola has got anything to do with it....and not heard of autoimmune diseases which e.c and
Psoriasis is.