Root canal tooth reacts to heat.... ???
Hi !
I ve had an old composite filling removed last year in August. Obviously it was too deep, or the drilling caused too much heat and stress on the nerve or bacteries of cavity reached the nerve....or the new composite or adhesive botherd the nerve...
whatever.... a few days after the new composite was in i had horrible pain. I went back to the dentist. They did an xray. Said its strange since the filling doesnt even reach the Pulpa (hope thats the correct english word) . But removed the filling and drilled the pulpa open. Saw some infection. ...
OK not so many details...coz its a long story...
had a root canal.... which was finally filled with gutapercha etc in November.
All the time i had no troubles EXCEPT the tooth reacting to heat. Dentist always said its NOT POSSIBLE since the tooth is dead and nerves r removed. It must be another tooth .
Some times the pain was almost gone. Then a little bit and now i d say it also reacts on other stuff than just heat.
I am pretty sure its the
root canal tooth. 6th tooth upper jaw left. But there is also the 7th behind it with a small filling and the 5th in front of it with a 1 year old composite filling.
I d really say its the
root canal tooth that causes the problems but of course i cant be 100 percent sure.
Had another appointment last week. X ray looked fine. Dentist and also assistants complimented themselves for the great root canal. Told me how good it looks. How the bone is all fin. No infection blabla...
told me it could be gum issue. I NEVER had gum issues. Never had tartar (i am 35). I dont smoke i dont drink coffee etc. But well. She did some ultrasound tartar removement stuff between the 6th and 5th tooth and put on some nasty tasting
Antibiotics and told me it should be fine.
Oh, they ve also ground off some of my enamel to make it not be in contact with the lower molar when grinding or chewing.
BUT its not fine and i really consider getting it pulled.
But then i m also afraid it might get pulled and then i d still have problems and in the end it turns out to be another tooth. (on x ray the other two teeth also looked fine btw).
Long story short.
Whats ur experience with heat sensitivity and root canals. What does it mean ?
Nerve left?
I mean the BONE itself cant feel heat right??? There must be an infection and a nerve that feels this infection kinda "blowing up" under heat... or not?
its not like the bone would feel an infection in the rootcanal and react to heat ... would it ?
i hope i ve made sense. English is not my mother tongue (obviously).