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Dr Schulze on curing Alzheimer's and dementia
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Dr Schulze on curing Alzheimer's and dementia

Having recently watched the movie "still Alice", I was really surprised they showed no scenes of Alice or her loved ones on the computer looking up the disease she was diagnosed with (Alzheimer)  and seeing if any alternative means showed promise. I wanted to post Dr Schulze's s_ave your life chapter on Alzheimers (and dementia)


The Save Your Life Collection
Alzheimer's and Dementia

This woman had Alzheimer's, but the family was terrified when she started talking.

SCHULZE: I had a wealthy family come to me, and their mother had Alzheimer's. I approached one of the members of the family, who was
my patient, and I said, "Hey, let's work on her. We can get her well. Anybody can be well."

The family was really resistant, and I couldn't understand why they would resist her recovery. I found out later.
So I went right to work, because I don't know of any incurable diseases. She hadn't spoken a word in two years, and I had her talking on the first visit.

INTERVIEWER: How did you do that?

SCHULZE: I did some deep body work and she started talking right away.

INTERVIEWER: Deep body work, like where?

SCHULZE: On her feet. Dr. Randolph Stone, a great natural healer, and the founder of polarity, said that when you have people who have lost their mind, working their feet is the opposite pole of their head. It takes a lot of tension out of them and it will loosen them up.

I did some deep work on her feet, and she said,

"Oh my God, you're killing me." Now this is a woman who hadn't spoken in two years.

INTERVIEWER: So you beat the dickens out of her feet?

SCHULZE: Not really. What you do is grab a hold of the person's feet and apply some strong steady pressure where it's tender. If you do the
deep work that's needed, it can be tremendously painful, but it doesn't hurt anyone. It heals.

Dr. Stone believed that you could cure catatonic patients by getting these toes and feet adjusted. There's a book out there called
Health Building by Dr. Stone. It's been pathetically diluted over the
years, but it's all that's available.

After we got that breakthrough, I started this woman on the herbal programs, the food programs, everything. Within two weeks,
there was a dramatic change in her. She was responding. She was getting better. She was starting to say simple words and this screwed up everything

INTERVIEWER:  What do you mean "screwed up everything"?

SCHULZE: Well, all of a sudden, I got a call from her psychiatrist. He said, "Don't go over to the house." The family ordered me off the case.
You see, what the family had done, for tax purposes, was that when she first started showing signs of dementia, they put the
controlling shares of the family business in this woman's name, and they did all kinds of estate-planning.

Everything was planned on her being nuts and dying. The thought of her getting normal was terrifying.

The attorney sent me a letter. He said, "Don't even show up at that address. We'll have you arrested." The daughter came crying to
me for help and said, "What do you think I should do?" And I said, "I think you should help your mother get well."'

You know, that's not something I ever lose sight of. I don't give a sh~ about stock and controlling interests and all that. But I didn't want to get arrested, so there was nothing I could do. And that was my first case of Alzheimer's.

Some advice on deep body work before we go further.

INTERVIEWER: Since you've mentioned body work to help the brain, any advice for readers?

SCHULZE: For openers, they can get a hold of both sides of the foot at the heel, you'll find hot points on either side, and you grab those
sensitive points as you start rotating the foot with the other hand. Those are the spots for the prostate and testes on a man and on a woman, it's on the uterus and ovaries.

You can use your knuckle. You can use the flat part of your elbow to get more force. As you go really deep, you'll actually feel sediment in the tissues; it feels like grain.

The person should be sweating when you're working on their feet. They should have a slightly traumatized look on their face. If you are easy on the patient, you're not helping them; you are leaving them sick.

How to cure people with dementia.

SCHULZE: I have had hundreds of people with dementia. Usually the relatives bring them in when they start to go. And usually it's pretty easy to deal with because the people with dementia don't have much choice.

The relatives want to get them well, and the people with dementia have usually gotten to the point where they'll almost eat anything you put in front of them.

INTERVIEWER: You can give them the whole program?

SCHULZE: Oh absolutely. The relatives can be relentless. And I would suggest anybody out there who is reading this, if their relative, their wife or their husband, whatever, is starting to have senility, premature senility, the bottom line is they are not going to turn it around unless you do something dramatic.

They're slipping away on you. You're losing them, and what you have to do is absolutely turn their life around. The incurables program is just the program to do that.

INTERVIEWER: Do these people with parents with dementia play around with it?

SCHULZE: I see this all the time. They think, well, we're losing them, we don't want to make them uncomfortable. Most people with dementia
don't even remember what it is they like to eat. You know what I'm saying?

INTERVIEWER: So why worry about it?

SCHULZE: That's right, why worry about it. You can say, "This is what you like to eat," and they say, "OK", and they eat it.

I find that most patients with dementia, and I don't mean to make light of this, are very easy to work with. They're so confused they don't even know what's normal. So, you can put the incurables program out in front of them and they'll eat it. They'll tolerate it. They don't make a big deal about it.

As soon as you start getting super nutrition into these people, you'll see such a change, and if I had to pick on one system of the body to clean out, it's definitely the liver and bowel. A lot of liver and bowel cleansing really helps clear these people's heads, and, of course, the brain herbs get that blood and oxygen circulated.

 INTERVIEWER: I noticed the main effect from cleaning the liver was better thinking in the brain. The strongest effect in me with cleaning the liver was mental. J"**.

SCHULZE: Yes, you know the liver processes and stores glucose and that is the absolute brain food. That's what our brain runs on, it's the
sugar that our brain runs on. Our liver helps process that and puts it into our blood stream.

Our liver also cleans that blood of waste. The brain manufactures a tremendous amount of waste when it's going through its processes.
The bottom line is that there is a direct liver-to-brain connection.

When you clean that liver out, it's going to be like the fog has lifted. You know, I've had patients explain it to me and they say, "Gosh, it's like the fog lifted. I can think better, my memory is better, I can think clearer and sharper." If you have a dirty liver, you just can't think right.

You know, Dr. Jensen used to say "You can't have sweet thoughts on a sour stomach."

And it's so true, when your digestion is off, you don't have any focus or any concentration.

INTERVIEWER: Now, you 've handled cases that would have been considered Alzheimer's?

SCHULZE: I've had people so bad they were howling like wolves. I had that woman who hadn't spoken a word in two years. She howled like a wolf.

INTERVIEWER: You mean like a honey?

SCHULZE: Oh, gone! In fact, with some of these people, the doctors tried surgery on them; they have shunts in their head draining excess
brain fluid. You can see the shunt going down their shoulder under their skin and it goes into their stomach, and drains excess brain fluids into their stomach. You wouldn't believe some of the horrors I've seen that medicine has performed. It's like Frankenstein.

INTERVIEWER: Have you ever seen people in diapers and wheelchairs?

SCHULZE: Oh, absolutely. They can't move, they're fidgeting, and having neurological disorders where their hands are shaking and
they're howling like wild animals.'

 INTERVIEWER: You mean, you've seen more than one person like this?

SCHULZE: Oh absolutely.

INTERVIEWER: Why do they howl?'

SCHULZE: It's a good question. I think it's just because they've lost all touch with reality. They've turned basically into animals. Their brain has gone.

One thing is amazing: I've seen people who hadn't talked in 2 or 3 years talk in a matter of weeks, start putting words and sentencestogether when you turn around their program — especially when you get the nutrition in. The nervous system works off of nutrition.
You start getting these juices going — things like super-food, and herbs like alfalfa, and nutrition into the body. It's unbelievable. And, of course the bowel is an absolute key, too. A lot of these people with dementia don't have good bowel habits.

A big problem is if they are being taken care of by nurses, the nurses don't want them to have good bowel habits. The more their bowels work, the bigger pain in the ass that is to the nurses. They don't want to deal with this.

They'd rather the patient have that one bowel movement a week that's big as a softball and hard as granite. That's what they want, because it makes their job easier. They don't want to sit there wiping this person who's got a messy bowel movement all over him 3 or 4 times a day and then have to give him a bath.

One of the first things I say to people is, get rid of those nurses if they're like that, and get some nurses in there who are not afraid to work, because getting healthy gets a little bit messy. But you get that juicer going, you get the herbs in, the bowel and liver cleaned out and those brain herbs in — my God, it's really unbelievable.

The relatives just thought there was absolutely no hope, you know, "Let's make them a little bit more comfortable," and the first thing you know is, they're talking. It really is dramatic. In fact, many times, I've seen it where the relatives get mad because they never thought this person was going to get better. Did you ever see the movie called 'Awakenings"?

INTERVIEWER: No. Was it good?/

SCHULZE: Oh yes. Robin Williams was in it, and it's a true story of the doctor who started bringing people out of comas...who have been in comas for 20-30 years using a drug called L-dopamine. What happened was that the relatives got mad. They said basically, "How dare you? My son went to sleep when he was 15 years and now he's a 40-yr.-old man, and you're bringing him back?"

It was too painful for the relatives. The bottom line in the end was that everybody wanted to put these people back to sleep. And this is what I see in Alzheimer's disease. It's too painful for a lot of people to see their relatives slip away, but it's almost more painful to see them come back and heal. Not everybody wants their relatives to get well. They've already written them off.

 INTERVIEWER: You mean emotionally they can't take it?

SCHULZE: Right. So you know, don't start cleaning this person's bowel or liver if you are not ready for them to come back, because they'll come back. I've seen it. Hundreds of them come back.

INTERVIEWER: Alzheimer's is not incurable?

SCHULZE: Oh, absolutely not. And again, I've been down to the Robert French Hospital in Orange County in Costa Mesa that's the headquarters of the world for Alzheimer's disease. I've taken a tour of their facility, I've talked with the doctors. It's a bunch of crap.

All it is, is putting everybody who has premature dementia or senility together. They're lumping them all into one category. They're
getting millions of dollars worth of research money and the bottom line is you have hundreds of people in there with hundreds of different
things wrong with them.

Oh yeah, sometimes there's brain toxicity and this is why we need to do our cleansing, because a lot of these people have toxic levels of metals in their body; and this is where the bowel cleansing comes in, especially like fruit pectin and the intestinal formula #2 to draw those metals out of the body. I've seen so many cases of people who were losing it, and then came back.

INTERVIEWER: So you 're warning the people, if you don't want your loved ones back, don't start the program

SCHULZE: Yes, if you're not ready. Don't think you're going to make them a little more comfortable, because the next thing you know, they're going to be walking, talking, asking questions and ready to lead a normal healthy life again. And, can you handle it?

INTERVIEWER: One doctor in Long Beach, a Dr. Ward, told me that many of his Alzheimer's patients seemed to be committing emotional suicide. Have you ever seen that?

SCHULZE: Oh yes. I had a patient who had a premature senility; she was almost catatonic. They diagnosed her with Alzheimer's Disease.
Interestingly enough, the daughter found letters when they were going through her stuff. It appears that she developed the disease within four months of discovering that her husband was having an affair. I have had a lot of patients where I think it wasn't a disease; it was that life became too intolerable for them, and they withdrew from life, and into insanity is where they decided to go.

Going inward or nuts was easier than dealing with life because their whole life was shattered. I found that with many of these people, their life was shattered and they couldn't deal with it. They didn't know what to do. They had a nervous breakdown.'

If you are going to get them well, you just have to be prepared to deal with that. Because that's going to come right back to the surface again. So they might need psychotherapy and not just nutritional help.

INTERVIEWER: So you're saying it's not just a brain problem?

SCHULZE: Oh no, not at all. Even the former schoolteacher I discussed earlier, who came out of it by cleansing his bowel. Well, when he came out of it, he was horribly depressed about his financial situation.

And then, everybody remembered that before he went into clinical depression and chronic depression, he was having financial trouble for the first time in his life. Whenever the brain is involved, there is always a lot of emotional stuff.

Does that make sense?

If it's true senility, it's a lack of blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the brain. We've had a lot of people with senility who back right out of it.

And it's just simple things. Two categories; toxemia and lack of blood flow, oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Sometimes the body gets so toxic it just starts depositing this stuff in the brain the same way it would in any organ. Your blood, you know, dumps.

INTERVIEWER: I heard of one case there was a man who lived in an apartment for years and he was just nuts about mothballs, always
wanted to kill all the moths. And you walked in there and it just.

SCHULZE: That's a killer.

INTERVIEWER:  Well, now he's got Alzheimer's. Any relation?

SCHULZE: Yes. He just poisoned himself. Mothballs are classic poison.

That's why they don't use them anymore. And so he just needs a lot of detoxification. He's just got brain shutdown.

If you've gone senile before you're 70 years old, they call that Alzheimer's, you know. You just get lumped into that category and
there's a hundred different reasons for it.

Some people are there because they are toxically poisoned from the outside. Some people are toxically poisoned from the inside. It isn't getting out. Or it's from emotional strain they couldn't deal with.

Some from metal poisonings like aluminum. I've met people who were just overdosed with aluminum from the fluorides to the antacids to
aluminum pots and pans.

So I think you have to take each case individually. This is true with every person who is sick with any disease. There's no such thing as Alzheimer's Disease, that's what I've discovered. Every person has a different story, from mothballs to aluminum, to "I couldn't handle my life because my husband was cheating on me".

And they are all lumped into this category and this hospital is making billions of dollars in research money. So, what you have to do is you have to take the case history in each patient individually and just start working with them.

But we've had numerous people diagnosed with Alzheimer's who got better; they just came out of it; they are living normal lives today.

And then, of course, what the doctors say is that it's not Alzheimer's. You run into that Catch-22 all the time. They say, well, it was probably just a temporary premature dementia, and they write-off the recovery to preserve their ignorance.

A brain formula for dementia patients.

Make this formula yourself at home as a tincture or tea.

The ingredients are:

15 parts Ginkgo leaf
1 part Gotu kola herb
1 part Calamus root
1 part Rosemary flowers
1 part Kola nut
1 part Cayenne pepper, the hottest you can get.

Use 2 dropperfuls of tincture three times a day, up to double this dosage. As tea, use 6 cups per day, one teaspoon of herbs to a cup of tea. Use distilled or steam distilled water.




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