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Newby saving the tatas
coppermermaid Views: 1,512
Published: 10 y

Newby saving the tatas

On March 3 I had a thermogram which indicated I had a 4+ high risk left breast and a 3 right breast on a scale to 5. I am BRCA1+ and have not gotten Breast Cancer but women in my family younger than me have(my sister at 38, my mother at 45, my cousin at 32). I am not cutting off my breast(very highly recommended by the medical establishment). I am on a mission to save my tatas. I been utilizing alternative medicine and eating organic for 15 years(mostly vegetarian)

I started spraying the 1% Lugols on my breast right after the thermogram. I ordered the book the Iodine Crisis and read through that in 2 days. I ordered the supplements. I lost my job. Yes you read that correctly. Now we are talking a monetary situation that has prevented me from doing the urine collection. I had been doing the Lugols on my breast and it soaks it up pretty quickly so I know I am deficient. Also I have had Fibrocystic breasts as long as I can remember(I am 50). I also started getting cherry angiomas as early as 17. I have 3 large ones on my left breast I got at 17. I read that these are related to being exposed to brominated compounds. I have trying to figure this out for years and I read it in The Iodine Crisis.

I am on day 4 of the Iodine protocol and all the related supplements-selenium, vitamin c, B2, B3, magnesium, already taking D3, I did the salt flush for 3 days and a coffee enema on day 2. I started off with 100mg IodoRx(I go for the gusto) to minimize negative symptoms. Day 1 I had the typical niacin flush, a little brain fog and heavy chested for about 30 minutes and was tired the rest of the day. The only symptoms I have had since are the niacin flush which I expected.

In reading through the forums I realize I need to take the Iodine alone on an empty stomach, the niacin flushing will probably dissipate, and breast prefer Iodine over Iodide.

When and by how much do I increase my dosage of IodoRx and how often?
I am just spraying the Lugols 1% on my breast(I didn't get any instruction) and spreading it all around. Is this the correct way to use it to the best effectiveness?
Should I be taking another form of Iodine to get higher amounts of Iodine vs Iodide?
Any other suggestions for preventing Breast Cancer and tumors from developing?

I appreciate any suggestions and help that anyone has. And I appreciate you helping me on my journey for optimum health.


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