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Re: Coffee enema with black walnut tincture?

Cloves & Wormwood
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cloves & Wormwood
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Flossy Views: 5,608
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Re: Coffee enema with black walnut tincture?


I have followed your story a little by reading some of your past messages. Forgive me if I have not established your complete story.

I am writing to mention two things that you may not have thought of.

1. I have a friend I am corresponding with In UK who has cured himself of what was diagnosed as a severe River Blindness worm infestation. This worm is similar to strongyloides though I do not know if it establishes a cyst form. I do know he has to continue to take Ivermectin every six months life long. He treated himself while hospitalised for a year due to severe/suicidal depression. He was not believed or investigated for his infestation by any of his doctors. He also only got help and diagnosis through a vet who photographed the pink River Blindness worms.

His cure involved long term daily use of Ivermectin and two doses of Moxidectin which had him put into ICU due to CNS symptoms.

I wanted to point out to you that he did not achieve his cure with his first attempt though he thought he was cured. What seemed to be the "mothership" of his infestation was his right hand and this started "buzzing" again five months later. He started another six weeks protocol of daily Ivermectin twice the dose for his weight and then one dose of Moxi which caused the neurological problems. These went away within 24 hours.

He also found he had to soak his hand in strong ammonia solution for one hour per day.

I guess I just wanted to ask if you feel you have a "mothership" area and to suggest soaking that area daily for six weeks. My infestation is in the top of my feet only now and I wear gumboots with ammonia and water and water softener for an hour a day.

2. His partner caught the infection from him. (River Blindness is caused by the bite of a very small particular species of black fly. He is a world traveller. PS I think stronyloides from what I have read can be easily caught from beaches where it is very common particularly in Europe. His partner was lucky enough to be treated in a University based hospital in the UK with INTRAVENOUS Ivermecting for two weeks. She felt cured, but nobody realised then that treatment needs to be maintained every six months. She went in for another two weeks IV Iver and now will take Ivermectin Horse paste every six months.

I wanted to tell you of this option. I do not know where you live or even if this is possible. She was lucky she was treated by lateral thinking Medicals which seem to be almost impossible to find.

If you knew of anyone with medical training you may be able to consider an IV option, though we both know it would have to be done under the radar and with great care.

I realise none of this may be news or helpful to you but I did not want to pass the chance to offer something that could prove to be even slightly useful.

Best wishes.



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