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Re: Weird skin reaction from oil pulling??
EliotsNana Views: 5,195
Published: 10 y
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Re: Weird skin reaction from oil pulling??

I know your original comment was a long time ago, but I thought I would let you know that I just realized I am having a very similar reaction to coconut oil. It started about a year ago, when I had heard of its moisturizing properties, so I put some coconut oil on my face, rinsed most of it off, then went to bed. I woke up the next morning with awful pustules and pimples all over my whole face, it resembled cystic acne, and it was throbbing, and would burst open and start bleeding and pus would appear. I couldn't go outside, it was awful! I also had chapped lips one day, so I tried to put some on my lips, and I ended up with peeling, unmoisturized feeling lips. So, I stopped putting it directly on my face, but I still took coconut oil in my coffee every morning. The cysts still came and went with some regularity, never as bad as the first time, but pretty bad, still. I had read about how it's extremely rare to be allergic to coconut oil, so maybe I am just sensitive to it. I used both unrefined and refined, only organic brands of coconut oil. Well, I ran out of coconut oil last week, and have not had any in my coffee for a week. My skin has completely cleared up as of today, What made me snap, we had gone on vacation, where i did not have coconut oil available, and my face cleared up then, too. Needless to say, it's been a year with my face looking like I have an addiction problem, so I am ready to be rid of this problem. My feeling is that I am one of these rare examples of someone who cannot take advantage of the benefits of coconut oil.


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