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Re: my error
thelaughingdogs Views: 3,302
Published: 9 y
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Re: my error

You are reading my mind I was gonna say let's keep comparing. My blood pressure has been low except for the last month so I think is only has do do with my adrenals healing, but remember I am hyper adrenals and my adrenals never crash. Crashing means your adrenals are running low. Most people seem to experience fatigue and loss of energy. I do not because I am hyper adrenal but it's still no fun with your cortisol is running high and causing mass anixiety.

I actually has to quit worrying about every little detail. That is the anxiety talking. I had to drop the thoughts about what I was getting into my body and just blindy doing it. The most important thing was to stop the STRESS. All of it. That is the most profound and healing thing I did.

The throbbing on the side of your neck is probably your thyroid kicking in and it’s good. That is what I feel.

Glandulars only increase cortisol which will increase anxiety if your swinging or hyper adrenals.

Yes inflammation is a new symptom to me the last year. Omega 3, bone brot, gelatine. White willow bark stop the inflammation. I have had pain and aches and tingling and more systoms than I have listed. The lack of sleep has to do with carbs, inflammation and high cortisol at night.

You really have to drop thinking about all the problems and just rest my mind and therefore my HPA axis. I did brain retraining which gave me so much relife I had to let go of worry and just be present. I actually could not even be on the internet anymore when I was healing because it was too stressful.

Okay the negative effects from supplements are just your HPA axis swinging. It will swing for awhile until it calms down. All the cortisol swings are form it. The longer you stress it will stesss. So what I did was walk away form it all. I stopped being on CZ, I stopped thinking about it,I stopped all the negative and analytical thoughts. Sounds crazy but I dwelled on rainbows, kitties and angels.

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