Re: How to Have Victory In Christ While In The Wilderness
a though a vibration sound that is added to formation from/to God creation or to color/light vibration into life that we can see but not understand. what is totality? we have invented a different vibration of fear to make our own false God, or second nature and adding as if a source to the one forced to believe. how can one be so sure of such embodiment and not harm? what men knows? and from where? juda has a kiss and Eva has a kiss and Adamus had one and Jesus...a kiss and you a kiss and me a kiss and that sound of the kiss.
well, the sword is the truth. but then the sound from compassion changes into life. if our believe is right. and with prove. do we have to be angry first to do evil so that men have a rewards and then the things invented turns into things to help life indeed, do God change the thing or the body? what happen to that Love? find it in men? no, in things, and buy a life. do not brings idols, who is God, Satan? in things and in men evil spirit. no missile, cold war,
give all that you have and receive fresh Love or sound that grows into life. talk to the children. and me a child as well.