Sounds like you ate tainted food, and your immune system was never able to irradicate it fully.
Think about FIR saunas (a forced fever to kill off pathogens). You might need enemas or coffee enema support for all of that juicing you are doing which detoxes and can back the liver up.
Try to find a Rife machine where you can do a few sessions, you may be able to knock the bugs out in one go. Also, Borax kills off a lot of pathogens.
Have you done the urine test for iodine done at Hakala lab?
Rebounders are great for clearing the lymphatic system which gets gummed up with debris from juicing, etc.
Please check into your b12/methylation situation, this could save you years of illness/aggravation. Check out Freddd's active b12 protocol, google.