10 y
Re: Newbie, where to start
Thanks so much, it sounds like the Parazapper is best in it's class, and similar to a true Rife, even though it is entry level.
I would like the GB4000, but I'm not sure as I haven't tried any of the machines yet, and not sure how it will effect me. I know there can be a lot of herxing involved, which is to be expected. I can't herx too badly, I just don't want another crash as I am doing pretty good right now.
I thought Rife might not affect microflora as the frequencies for those good bugs would obviously be different than the frequencies for each pathogen that is being targetted specifically by Rife. Sounds like this might be good in theory, but there is always a chance that good flora will be wiped out as well, does that sound right?
Do you like this book or have a good one to get me started?
"Lyme Disease and Rife Machines", by Bryan Rosner
Thanks again Parazapper,