I am so sorry that you've jumped from the fire into the frying pan.
It might be a very wise option to choose to get out of this relationship, seek some intensive trauma counseling, attend a domestic violence support group, and do some serious recovery and healing before attempting another relationship. It is definitely one of many choices available to you.
One of the better clues for you in this situation is that he is in police custody. This means that he doesn't care. Not only about the neighbors, but about you, because you have been left to "explain away" his behaviors and smooth things over with the neighbors. It is definitely this man who is acting out his violent tendencies, but some self-examiniation with the guidance of a therapist might help you to identify why the self-esteem and self-confidence is so low that you're settling for abusers. If there were dysfunctional dynamics in your family when you were a child, this might have a huge impact upon how you view yourself and the world, in general.