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Jimmy Kimmel supports corporate propaganda of vaccination
saywhatagain Views: 1,399
Published: 10 y

Jimmy Kimmel supports corporate propaganda of vaccination

Jimmy Kimmel is making fun of people that choose not to have their children vaccinated, and has doctors on there basically telling people they are morons if they don't listen to people in white lab coats. A few fact that I'm sure Jimmy Kimmel as a television talk-show host is unaware:

-The government has paid out over 3 billion dollars in settlements from the fund they set up specifically for people injured from vaccines. Can those white-lab-coat-wearers explain the contradictions of vaccines being safe and the existence of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

-The people in the white lab-coats get their instructions about vaccines from the US government, which they follow blindly. The US government gets there information from the people that make the vaccines that make billions in this government set-up monopoly. Of course the vaccine industry is going to show you they are safe, even though they have been caught lying and fabricating information time and time again. Oh but we can't talk about that because then we would be basing it on actual facts and that is not how it works, we can only base our opinions on what the people in the white lab coats say, right Jimmy? Yet we are supposed to blindly believe the people in the white lab-coats who are being told what to do by the very people profiting on this industry? Sorry Jimmy, but this country was founded by people that like to question authority, and I never believe something just because someone in a white lab-coat or a government suit tells me that is what I am supposed to believe.

-ABC, the network that Jimmy works for, as well as every other news network, refused to report on the story when someone that worked studying the effects of vaccines, came out and said that they had changed the results from a study that initially showed a connection between autism and vaccines, until they changed it so it didn't show that link. This vaccine whistle-blower came out with a statement saying they changed the results. Not one news story, not one report for either side of this story, just a total black-out. Is it any wonder that Jimmy and most other Americans are totally clueless about any of this? Of course not, because the people they get their news from are owned by the same people that develop and make billions off of the vaccines.

-The other annoying thing about his little skit and the government vaccine propaganda is that it paints people as being anti-vaccine (anti-vaxers). Maybe some people are totally against vaccines. But I think there are also a lot of people in a completely different category. I am not against vaccines; if we can cure illnesses that is great. What I am in support of is proper Science that has all the money and conflict of interests removed. I am in support of full safety studies not just on single vaccinations but on the entire slew of vaccinations studied as how they affect a child all together, compared to a child that hasn't received any. I want to see studies that show the difference in safety between vaccines that contain mercury and those that don't, vaccines that contain formaldehyde and those that don't. But no, the people in the white lab coats tell us it's good to inject formaldehyde, mercury, and other toxic substances directly into your blood stream, otherwise the vaccine industry might make a little less money if they were actually safe, and we can't have that. I am for studies that are not doctored to give the result that the vaccine industry wants to see. I am pro-science, and I am anti-corporate-science.

No according to Jimmy, people that question what the government tells you to believe are evil. The former Soviet Union would have agreed with you Jimmy.


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