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The late Hanna Kroeger claimed to have a cure
DJThompson Views: 3,727
Published: 20 y

The late Hanna Kroeger claimed to have a cure

I've spent years doing research on alternative medicine , and at one point sent a very long report on the origins of HIV infection and AIDS to famed researcher, mystic, alternative health care provider Hanna Kroeger (kroger) who wrote back inviting me to come and learn how to cure AIDS with a protocol she had developed which involved a multi-pronged attack on the disease--something that stripped the viral coat off the viruses involved, (more than one), something for the immune deficiency, and a couple of other things it seems. However, with a small child, alcoholic husband and limited resources, I was never able to make the trip before she passed away. I was going to put the info I had on her and her treatments on my website, but have such a large body of information to deal with that I hadn't gotten that far yet. I googled her name in both spellings and found what may be the "official" website: which at least has an email address for contact. I believe her daughter and other followers carried on in her place and assume the treatment materials are still available. She was a minister as well as an RN turned alternative, and I know on a seminar tape she described getting part of the treatment which involved the bark of a tree unknown for its healing potential by all but an obscure tribe of Indians from a dream or vision that led her to the tribe. She was a mystic, but also researched the entire world for breaking news on alternative treatments. Some other component of the treatment came from a doctor in England, so it wasn't all gained by strange and possibly questionable means. I know she pushed Dr. Budwig's diet protocol for cancer, and acquired very well documented treatment information for other things. Also, for building up the general health with something virtually unknown in this country go to


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