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New to coffee enemas, can you please explain to me what is happening?
monroe444 Views: 1,209
Published: 10 y

New to coffee enemas, can you please explain to me what is happening?

I have been doing coffee enemas for a week (followed by a yogurt enema, and I've been experimenting with adding a bit of liquid chlorophyll with the yogurt), for the first time in my life.

Everything was going uneventfully until the other night when I got extreme cramps and felt sick. Then yesterday I did them earlier in the day because I had to go out last night. By dinner, something was making extremely loud gurgling noises, and then I had to run home and weird things appeared. Tiny green things and golden brown fluffy things.

Am I flushing my liver and gallbladder? The gurgling was too low to be the gallbladder.


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