When I go to heaven, I personally don't think I will see God...I will see Jesus. God is Spirit, like you say. And He is invisible. I don't know what to tell you as far as if God had sinful emotions. Other than the bible says that Jesus went through everything that we did as far as being tested and didn't sin. Emotions are not bad in themselves unless a sinful mind is involved...intent is judged.
As far as individually goes, I really think it has more to do with what God's mission is for us to do. Just like Jesus had a special mission. He couldn't very well go around being sinful or anything other than an innocent lamb. We also had David, who was a man after God's own heart. Yet, he had a mission that was not so peaceful or without sin. They didn't have the blood of Jesus back then to cover their sins, they only had the blood of an animal sacrifice. It was temporary and had to be done over and over again. Instead of once and for all with Jesus.
Perhaps some people will be like Enoch who walked with God. He pleased God because of his great faith.
You might want to start the video at 3:07. Hopefully it will not be too dry of a sermon. It's only 30 minutes. But it brings in some more of the other things we were talking about. I still wonder what Enoch's mission was or is to be. One day we will know.
This video has a brief mention about pre-tribulation rapture, which I don't agree with. But others may, and so I'm posting it anyway.