Re: What happened to me??
ok, I'm not a dr, and I'm not done reading your post, but I can say this right now: Go buy a LOT of epsom a 50 lb bag is good. Next, go buy a decent internal mangesium supplement..mag citrate will work, available at 99 cent store, at least around here.
Start SLOW on internal, like 1 or 2 sips a day (mag citrate), AFTER meals, for both you and your daughter. It will cause diarrhea if you take too much, but diarrhea beats the hell outta hallucinations, I know from pers. exper.
But with
Epsom Salts - use externally...bathe in at least 3 c per bathtub, warm water, every day, for AT LEAST 20 minutes. You will see a huge difference initially, then another huge improvement after one month, and another after three months.
(Your intitial, presenting symptom is mag deficiency)
But I am not a doc, nor do I diagnose