Re: Diagnosed with ms
Hi Princeoli,
Firstly, it is great to see that you have taken responsibility for your healing process and are listening to your body - the natural way is what your body desires!
I have been through two life threatening conditions now, which I cured on my own by educating myself and realizing how the body actually works.
What the Doctors believe and tell you is something completely different than what the truth really is and how the body actually thinks and behaves.
I have been studying natural medicine on and off for over a decade now, and will be attending University to become a licensed physician in a couple of years. I have been drilling for oil for the past four years saving to put my self through.
I am extremely, extremely passionate and die hard about natural medicine, and it's not because I'm a tree hugger or a vegan, it's because it is the ONLY form of medicine that is capable of helping the body reverse it's conditions in the way it wants it to without carrying out massive collateral damage along the way.
I have been in so many life threatening situations, that it would make most people faint, and through those experiences, I was forced to find the truth - which ended up leading me to the answers that allowed me to fully cure myself of first extreme
Depression and anxiety, and secondly extreme bone and muscle wastage, which conventional medicine referred to as 'muscular dystrophy'.
After cutting through all the lies, when I couldn't imagine there would be any more to learn, I found one last MASTER SECRET that preceded all the rest, that has even been kept from most Naturopaths.
ALL "diseases" are in reality survival responses carried out by the body itself, including MS and Cancer. If it wasn't for your MS, you would already be dead.
There is not one species on this planet that is suicidal. Every cell in the body carries out over 6 trillion actions per second and even tracks the movement of the stars in the milky way galaxy. Every single one of these actions are survival functions to promote health, vitality, happiness and to plan for the future. The body doesn't just one day decide to turn on itself and commit suicide.
Whenever the body starts eating away at it's own tissue, it is because it is either trying to eliminate cells that have been plagued with toxins that are posing a risk to the survival of the body as a whole or are breaking down healthy cells to release their resources for areas of congestion which cannot receive enough nourishment etc.
I believe there is a very high chance that the miles of bile ducts throughout your liver are packed full of congestion. When the bile ducts are blocked, toxins and carcinogens cannot escape, causing the body to be forced to store them throughout every nook and cranny throughout the body. These areas eventually become so toxic and threatening to the rest of the body that they must be broken down and devoured. When the bile ducts are blocked, not only are waste products and noxious substances trapped in the body, but foods cannot be digested properly from poor bile output, causing foods to rot and putrefy inside the body before exiting, causing them to turn into a super acidic waste material. This acidifies the body, causing the body to then have to leach alkaline forming resources from it's muscles, bones and connective tissues to mitigate this acid assault. The number of problems that arise from blocked bile output channels are countless.
Most cancer patients have extreme congestion throughout the bile ducts of the liver. Because waste products can't exit through these ducts, the body has no other choice but to develop a sac (tumor) to hold this toxicity away from vital organs.
The liver needs an oil change every six months from the day we turn five years old or so. If we haven't done that, you can guarantee it's bile ducts are absolutely chalked full of congestion and a game of catch up needs to be played.
Have a read over this page:
Have you ever done a coffee enema?
coffee enemas immediately dilate the bile ducts and stimulate bile output, allowing toxicity to finally get past this congestion until all congestion is released through a long series of liver flushes.
Once the liver is clean, you would not believe how powerful, resilient and radiant the body becomes. Life becomes a dream that you always wanted ;)