Re: How long does it take to heal leaky gut?
Thanks for replying. Very informative post. I will definitely buy the book. I have pretty good (above average) teeth. I have been going to the dentist for cleaning since I was a little girl, had braces, floss everyday, clean my tongue. People always compliment me on their appearance, but doesn't really do much. The problem is that when I brush my teeth I get relief for up to an hour than my tongue feels really dry, and my breath begins to smell. Doesn't matter how much water I drink. I think that is probably the #1 symptom that hurt my self esteem growing up. I don't have my wisdom teeth anymore.
I know oil pulling and grape seed extract help with bad breath, but don't want a short term fix. i have a huge list of candida symptoms, so If I can get to the core problem and cure it, that would be great.
I search for candida symptoms and found a list. Here are the things I suffer from.
White coated tongue / Oral thrush
Food and chemical sensitivities
Feelings of anxiety, panic attacks, feeling “blue”
Hyperactivity, attention problems (Candida is not the cause of ADHD – but it can certainly make things worse. )
Brain fog, poor concentration, feeling ‘spacey’
Poor memory
Irregular bowels; diarrhea or constipation
Abdominal cramps alleviated by bowel movements
Dry mouth, bad breath
Extreme lethargy, fatigue
Eye fatigue, spots in front of eyes, burning or tearing eyes
Dandruff, dry, itchy skin
Acne or other skin problems
Irregular menstruation
Obsessive behaviour
I tried talking to my doc about these problems and she probably though I was being dramatic and worrying to much. She said that some of the symptoms I had were probably due to hormones. i was put on paxil and prozac but that didn't help much so I stopped. I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance at 14. stopped eating dairy. stomach pains continued. went back and forth to GI clinics. Nothing was found. So It's been rough