All you are saying is that a person....or in this case an angel by the name of Lucifer did not exist, just because they gave him a descriptive name. So what if the bible uses a descriptive name to give to someone who is an anti-christ spirit. He was once considered to be great but he fell from grace. How else would one describe him? He is still a powerful angel.
You can turn all Freudian on me and say satan is just the negative mindset, anti-god part of our mind...but that does not mean that the story of satan is just that alone. Yes, our minds are affected by this negative thing called satan...but the bible says he is real as well. Heaven is is not made up....Jesus is real. People want to discount that there really is a Jesus, so they can by-pass believing in Him as God. Oh yes, some people believe in Him as a mind-set...that doesn't count. That is having faith in your own self...not God. That is why people don't want Jesus to be anything beyond son of God because then everyone can call themselves sons of God (little g gods) and they have no need of salvation through Christ.