Learned a Hard a Lesson: Spooky 2
Admittedly, I am impatient when it comes to reading manuals, especially technical ones. I am also a skeptic and a procrastinator.prone to bouts of stubbornness.
So it took a lot of suffering to break down my denial of Morgellon's symptoms for me to finally order the Spooky 2 hardware and download the software, (although I had downloaded the protocol manual over a year ago).
I had my computer serviced, and cleared it of all unnecessary programs so I could devote its use solely to Spooky 2. The gear arrived, and I asked my husband to set up the hardware and programs, him being more technologically inclined than I. It took him 2-3 days to figure it out, and at one point, I handed him the manual that I had downloaded so long ago, but had merely skimmed.
We are similar, he and I, in that neither of us likes to follow step-by-step instructions, we prefer improvisation and usually do fine.
Big Mistake, though, with Rife technology, I soon realized.
Here's what happened:
Was so anxious to zap parasites that I went straight to the "" Morgellons Internal & External Parasites" program and ran it continuously, on remote for three days straight.
On Day One, my nose began to run without warning--so much so I thought maybe I was leaking fluid from my brain. But being the slow learner that I am, I didn't even think about Spooky 2--I mean I was at work. 20 miles away--had actually forgotten about it.
By morning of Day Teo, I was clearly coming down with the Flu. From. Hell. I'll leave the symptoms up to your imagination. Left work early that day and arranged to take off the next two, giving me a solid four-day weekend, I thought, to recuperate. I continued to decline as Day Two waned and Day Three dawned. Still, I made no correlation to Sppoky 2, even though I have it set up on my bedroom dresser.
Day Three--I was soooooo sick I was sure I was dying. It occurred, briefly, that perhaps I should go to the hospital, but decided instead to die at home. Spent the majority of the day and night soaking in Epsom salt water and Dr Bronner's Peppermint Soap. I slept in there, waking only to drain cold water and add hot, more salt, more Dr Bronner's.
Late in the night of Day 3, I had an epiphany right there in the tub. For some reason, I thought of my old college Biology professor, from nearly thirty years ago, who was fond of saying, "A good parasite never kills its host," and grinning as he said it.
I had never understood that grin. I had thought he was a bit of a kook. But three decades letter while dying in the tub, I thought of him, that saying, and that grin. And, finally, it dawned on me:
There ARE no "good parasites'!
And only then did I remember that we had set the Spooky 2 to zap continuously "Morgellons internal & external Parasites" . And only then did it it occurr to me: I had been zapping them, completely cold-turkey, with no preparation whatsoever, for nearly 72 hours straight, and I hadn't even given the protocol manual a good read-through.
I. Did. Not. Follow. Protocol.
From deep in my subconscious a question presented itself in the forefront of my mind and although I was running a fever I could swear a smirk accompanied the question:
"Could it be that I have made myself sick?"
I bolted out of the tub and shut the Spooky 2 program down faster than you can say the word, Parasites. Or Pathogens. (Same difference, I see now.)
Four days have gone by since that realization, and I am still quite ill with a variety of flu-like symptoms. Only this morning did I gather the nerve to open up the Spooky 2 protocol manual to begin reading, this time starting from page one. .
And very early on, several times, there it is, in black and white:
Warnings! NOT to do what I DId!
Kind readers, I have only one question:
What do I do now?