Re: Why Does God Create People That He Knows Will Go To Hell?
I think a lot of people get stuck on things like this and they become a stumbling block for their faith. It is difficult for the human mind to rationalize a God who is pure love and the suffering of those that are condemned to hell. But, in fact it is because of the perfection of the love of God that causes the unrighteous to not be able to stand in His presence. God doesn't want anyone to go to hell, but that is the only place that anyone in a state of unrighteousness can go. That is the exact reason that Jesus Christ was sent to the Earth. So we can see very clearly that God doesn't want anyone to go to hell. But the human mind that is of the flesh and the enemy of God tricks people into thinking that they are using logic as a reason to view God as being unjust. When in fact it is not logic at all but the workings of the flesh that keeps man in bondage to sin, cursing God all the time for being unjust.
Yes hell is very real and people should know about it, but at the same time as Christians, we should not necessarily focus on this very much. As we know in Christ's ministry, He spent most of his time with sinners because He knew that they were poor in Spirit and ripe for repenting of their ways. They were already suffering the pain of bondage of sin, so He didn't spend time focusing on hell but instead showing them what they could do to obtain liberation. When Christ told people they were in danger of going to hell it was for those with an unrepentant spirit, kind of a last ditch effort, this is where you are headed if you don't change your ways.
In my opinion, we don't want to create more of a stumbling block for those that are weak in faith by focusing on hell, but instead to help build them up in faith in Christ.