Severe Cough
2 weeks ago I had a terrible cough and I decided to fast. After five days of fasting it felt that I had cleared up the cough and all phlegm in my lungs, but after 2 weeks I am still coughing.
Should I fast again? I have lost a lot of weight and look emaciated. I am afraid to take
Iodine because my Thyroid hurts when I take Lugol's.
My doctor gave me Oregano Oil capsules to be taken 3 times a day. I have been on it for a week, but nothing is changing. I am also sucking on lozanges with zinc in it and Vitamin C mixed with turmeric as suggested by my doctor. In my meals I am eating all warm foods, no cold stuff at all and also eating heat producing foods such as garlic, onions, chilles, with each meal.
Anything else I should take to get rid of this cough? My doctor says that ot is time to take
Antibiotics , but I do not want to go that route. I have just finished Humawrom cleansing 6 months ago, even though I do not have Candida over growth.