American Viper- Are Americans Too Stupid to be Free?
American Viper -- Are Americans Too Stupid to be Free?
February 2, 2015
(left, Interviews with audience shows the movie is extremely effective as brainwashing.)
Movie proves the Illuminati can turn
any nation into the moral equivalent
of Nazi Germany
"Military men are dump stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Watching American Sniper was an ordeal. The Clint Eastwood move is a repugnant manipulative psy op that is turning Americans into unthinking killers. Remember, the Nazis were very popular in Germany.
The movie's underlying premise is that soldiers like sniper Chris Kyle were defending home and hearth by murdering, maiming and displacing millions of innocent Iraqis. Courageous Iraqis who defended their country were "savages" who needed to be stopped before they attack the US, as on 9-11.
"If we don't fight them there, we'll have to fight them here," Kyle says. In one scene, Kyle kills a woman and a child who are about to throw a grenade at a convoy. These don't look like terrorists. They look like courageous patriots.
There is no evidence Iraq was even remotely connected to 9-11. In reality, 9-11 was perpetrated by the US and Israeli governments and intelligence services as a pretext for aggression. These governments are controlled by the Masonic Jewish central bankers who are eliminating all obstacles to their one world government tyranny.
Are Americans too stupid to be free? The jury is out. On the one hand, this paint-by-numbers movie is a huge hit grossing over $250 million since its release on Christmas Day.
On the other hand, if people realized that almost everything they are told by movies and TV is a lie, they might start thinking for themselves and listening to their own souls.
As Paul Craig Roberts wrote recently: "Facts no longer play a role in American political life...A matrix has been created, an artificial reality that channels the energies and resources of the country into secret agendas that serve the interests of the ruling private interest groups and neoconservative ideology. The United States government and the American people cannot contend with reality, because they do not know what the reality is...In effect, America is both blind and deaf. It lives in delusions. Consequently, it will destroy itself and perhaps the world."
I really hated the way the movie used "family' to make Kyle look good (as a husband/father) and legitimize his atrocities. The movie spends almost as much time in maternity wards as on the battlefield. I was relieved they didn't present him as a devout Christian too. Kyle's rationale for killing 260 Iraqis is he was "saving his guys" and the only thing that haunts him is not saving more.
Kyle's public stand against gun control is not mentioned. That doesn't fit with the Illuminati Jewish banker agenda.
Kyle and a friend were murdered two year ago today at a rifle range by a "deranged" Marine veteran whom they were mentoring, named Eddie Ray Routh. Chris Kyle might have been murdered, as Pat Tillman was, because he was perceived as a political threat. People with mental problems are often used as programmed assassins.
(Masonic and Templar references in Craft name and logo)
After retiring from the Navy in 2009, Kyle and partners started Craft International, the private security contractors implicated in the Boston Marathon false flag. Kyle was President of this company. Freemasonry is referred to as "the Craft." Kyle's wife is suing his partners for robbing the till and for unauthorized use of the company logo which Kyle designed, and is widely seen in the movie.
Chris Kyle's father taught him that there were three kinds of people in the world: wolves, sheep and sheep dogs. The role of the sheep dogs was to protect the sheep.
In fact, "sheep dogs" like Chris Kyle are working for the wolves. Sheep dogs and sheep had better wake up before it's too late.