Re: Rebeckah, how was your LF last weekend?
HI Vickie! :))))
WOW! I did the double dose of OO, taking my 2nd dose around 2pm on Sun. My biggest stone was about the size of a small marble. There were about, all together 20-30 green *peas* throughout the flush. Mainly I passed alot of smaller stuff that looked like cous cous, or floating gravel... eventually it looked like lots of bile... like when I was on the MC. There was one thing that looked like a shriveled grapefruit seed, but bigger.. and I KNOW all seeds were removed, so that must of come from me. eek! I didn't do any spelunking, but was utterly repulsed and strangely attracted simultaneously. :o
It was all MUCH easier than I feared for. I used the really green
OO (Olive-Oil) which has a stronger taste, but that was ok. & I tried it with apple juice too, but the grapefruit juice makes
OO (Olive-Oil) & ES taste not as noticable. Did a
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) yesterday to clean any stragglers. & lost some more peas. I AM feeling MUCH better today. My cough has changed, my breathing is a little better, so I'm thinking many more flushes will help. Plus I'm looking into a juicer & prepping for my next
Master-Cleanse which I hope will be a looong one. I'm trying to time it between my DRs appts, as last time my white blood cell count was high from fasting & then I had to do a whole bunch more tests & xrays, which of course showed nothing beyond my chronic probs.
Liver-Flush stuff online goes on & on about how a clogged liver is the CAUSE of EVERY disease, and if that's true, than I've found my magic bullet. I never believed that, but today I feel so much improved that I'm really starting to wonder.
But the flush went well. Thank you for asking. :) I think I'm becoming an ADDICT! A cleansing addict! oh noooooooo. ;) ~Rebeckah