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Best Underwear to Wear while dealing with Morgellons?
  Views: 1,462
Published: 10 y

Best Underwear to Wear while dealing with Morgellons?

Hi everyone. I've been suffering with this disease for around 8 or 9 months now. I've seen SOME improvement after being put on Antibiotics and changing up my diet significantly.

I recently bought a brand new package of Hanes underwear and washed them and the morgellons/fibers & multiple fuzzys that were on them when they came out of the dryer was scary!

I tried using a lint brush which helped with the fuzzys (those little pills of fabric/lint balls...whatever they call them) but I could NOT get the Morgellons/fibers completely off the underwear no matter how hard I tried.

SO my long explanation brings me to a few questions:
1. Do any of you have suggestions on brands or fabrics of underwear that are better for Morgellons sufferers?

2. Does the country where the underwear is made make a difference in the quality/amount of fibers my cotton underwear could produce? (This particular package was made in Honduras)

3. Does the detergent you wash the underwear in make a difference in the amount of fibers I'll see? I've read suggestions about using Borax but I am afraid to because I have sensitive skin.

This is my first post so hopefully it's acceptable!


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